Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Minecraft is an open-world game unlike any other. Players are placed in a borderless, randomly generated land with no supplies, directions, or objective. It is up to them to decide what to do and how to do it. Players collect materials from the world around them in order to ‘craft’ items and build whatever their mind can imagine. The concept is similar to playing with LEGOs, only the amount of blocks is limitless. There are forests to explore, mountains to climb, oceans to cross, and dungeons to discover. When the sun goes down, the monsters appear, and players must fend them off or build shelter for protection. Objectives are imagined by players, allowing them to truly create their own virtual world, mining materials and building tools to better help them do so.
How To Play
- Download Java and install it
- Download Minecraft.exe
- Put Any Username that you want to use
- Click Play, Then Click play again
- It takes a few minutes to download things
Download Link:
Just In Case if the launcher failed to download things you can extract this folder to C:\Users\YourComputerName\AppData\Roaming or run %appdata%